名称: オスプレイ

学名:Pandion haliaetus(パンディオン ハリエトゥス

エリア 海や崖の上の高いところ

識別方法 体長60cm、翼長180cmの大型種で、下面は純白、体側は濃い茶色、頭部は白で目の上に仮面のような縞があり、短い尾と4本の指のような羽が特徴である。


事実 この素晴らしい鳥は、よく一般的な日本のトンビと間違えられますが、トンビの方がはるかに珍しく、その数は長年にわたって減少しているのです。




Name: Osprey

Scientific Name : Pandion haliaetus

Area: High up above the ocean and cliff tops

Identification: They can grow up to 60cm long with a large 180cm wingspan, things to look for are that stunning pure white underside top side of the body is a deep brown, the head is white with a mask-like stripe over the eyes, a short tail, and the four fingerlike feathers.

Food: they are fish eaters & are stunning to watch hunting

Facts: This magnificent bird is often mistaken for the more common Japanese Tombi but they are far rarer and numbers have been in decline for many years

their eye site is incredible with a golden iris that allows them to locate prey from hundreds of ft above the water, they can dive over 1m under to catch the fish & have special feet with a two-way toe to help them hold onto their meal.

One more wonderful fact is that they mate for life with one female “true Love” we could call it. They live for up to 25 years in total.

The best time to see them here in Katsuura is from November thru April

すべての画像の著作権は©SeafariJapanLLCにあります。画像は千葉県勝浦市でDaneGillettPhotographyによって撮影されました。 勝浦シーファリでは、鳥や野生生物が私たちの周りにいます。日本は、水に出て、時にはこれらの素晴らしい生き物に近づくための素晴らしい方法です。 長い望遠レンズを取り付けたカメラをお勧めする途中で写真を撮りたい場合は、個人的にはCanon 100-400mmを使用しますが、Sony100-600Nikonの同等品などの他のメーカーも適しています。 動物を見たいだけの人には、旅行のために双眼鏡を持って行くことをお勧めします。

All images are copyright ©SeafariJapan LLC Images were taken in the Katsuura, Chiba, Japan area by Dane Gillett Photography.  Birds & wildlife are all around us here in Katsuura Seafari Japan is a wonderful way to get out on the water and sometimes up close to these amazing creatures.  If you are looking to get photos along the way we advise having a camera with a long telephoto attached, we personally use the Canon 100-400mm but other makes such as Sony 100-600 or the Nikon equivalent also works well. For those just wanting to see the animals, we advise bringing a pair of binoculars along for the trip.